Global leaders powered by executive evolution for better decision-making

Are you looking for new business opportunities?, expanding your company internationally? or connecting with investors, managers and entrepreneurs in a space of collaboration?

CBA is an independent Cambridge born institution which started operations in 2018 as an officially certified “CJBS Special Interest Group” to then evolve and become a University of Cambridge “Alumni Group” and Cambridge Society to operate independently, deeply rooted at Cambridge´s unique global ecosystem at the heart of Silicon Fen, Europe´s Innovation Hub, to create business opportunities for decision-makers throughout the world. Run by University of Cambridge senior Alumni and experts from around the globe in a diverse and multicultural environment.

Our mission

is to develop and foster meaningful business activities throughout the world, benefiting entrepreneurs, investors, and managers, supporting the creation and transfer of business knowledge.

Our purpose

is to create real world impact by improving the quality of the decision-making process of business leaders, who manage high performing, multicultural and diverse teams.


CBA works to promote quality decision-making among business leaders through:

• Peer Advisory Boards (PAB) - Circles of trust for C-Levels
• Engineering - Railway solutions
• Consulting - Strategic business growth
• Technology - Digital evolution of companies


Each month we are pleased to welcome a new group of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and industries, who add real value to the discussions thanks to their personal experiences.

• C-Level Executives
• Entrepreneurs
• Investors


We believe your investment in education and growth should be demonstrated and measured to help you assess
business impact and ROI.

Epic Origins

During November 2019, after nearly 2 years of deep preparation, CJBS would celebrate its first “Latin American Business Summit” (LABS) in Santiago, Chile. A 7-day event, 47+ well-known speakers from multiple fields, 300+ attendees worldwide from 8 nations and 9 countries officially represented by their Embassies. Just a few weeks before its beginning, the host country suffered an unprecedented social unrest which forced CBA team to cancel it, leaving hundreds of decision-makers waiting for a new possibility to interact with peers.

CBA gathered all the lessons learned to satisfy its community as soon as possible. However, 2020 COVID hit the world. Multiple webinars, digital networking events with diverse people and investment opportunities shared gave the team a unique approached to add real value to its growing community, reaching over 26,000 investors, entrepreneurs, and managers from around the globe. In 2021 LABS was launched with over 600 attendees in a 6-month online event taught by Cambridge professors and international practitioners from multiple countries, reveling the power of collaboration.


In a connected world collaboration keeps you ahead, join CBA today and
see where it takes you